Russia does not face an immediate threat from the sharp fall in oil prices over recent months. 最近几个月的油价急剧下跌不会立即对俄罗斯造成威胁。
There was a sharp fall in imports, but little gain in exports. 进口量急剧下降,但出口量几乎没有增长。
The economic recession and a drought had led to a sharp fall in demand, last year. 去年的经济衰退和干旱导致印度国内需求急剧下降。
Like many acquisitive conglomerates, it experienced a rapid ascent and sharp fall. 像许多贪婪的企业集团一样,它也经历了大起大落。
The retail trade is witnessing a sharp fall in sales. 零售业的销售额在急剧下降。
Housing data has also come in weak, with a sharp fall in mortgage applications and continuing ( but slower) declines in house prices. 房产业数据也出现疲软,抵押贷款申请大幅减少,房屋价格继续下跌(但速度减慢)。
However, the end of the era of cheap credit and the global economic downturn has led to a sharp fall in such activity. 然而,廉价信贷时代的终结及全球经济低迷,导致了这类活动的急剧减少。
A sharp fall in bond prices could wreak havoc with banks 'capital. 因此,国债价格剧烈下跌将为日本银行业的资产带来一场浩劫。
The other question is whether the investor frenzy is the prelude to a sharp fall. 另一个问题是,投资者的狂热,是否是一次暴跌的前奏。
But analysts believe the sharp fall in demand for naphtha, a byproduct of crude oil, suggests the slowdown has been especially pronounced in sectors that use plastics, such as light manufacturing and construction. 但分析师认为,石脑油需求的大幅下滑表明,在轻工业和建筑业等使用塑料的行业,需求放缓的状况尤为明显。石脑油是一种原油副产品。
A record number of deals were cancelled in 2008 leading to a sharp fall in fees for investment bankers. 2008年被取消的交易数量创出历史记录,导致投资银行手续费收入急剧下降。
The sharp fall is due to better healthcare facilities, education and the widespread use of mobile phones. 出现大幅下降是由于更好的医疗设备,教育和手机的广泛使用。
It was the second day of a sharp fall in bond prices and rises in bond yields. 这是连续第二天出现债券价格大幅下跌、收益率上升的情况。
Poor weather is likely to have contributed to the sharp fall in construction activity. 恶劣的天气可能为建筑活动的急剧减少做了一些“贡献”。
Corporate earnings numbers reported so far have been erratic but the risk of a sharp fall in earnings growth is offset by improved us and emerging economy growth while eurozone companies are benefiting from the weakness of the euro. 迄今发布的企业业绩报告好坏不一,但美国和新兴经济体经济增长加速,抵消了企业业绩增长骤降的风险,同时欧元区企业也受益于欧元的疲弱。
A primary example of this was the sharp fall in inflation in the US in the early 1980s at the same time that fiscal deficits were rising rapidly. 这方面一个重要的例子出现在上世纪80年代初,当时美国通胀急剧下降,与此同时财政赤字迅速上升。
You, like the other oil companies, have experienced a sharp fall in profits. 贵公司和其它石油企业一样经历了利润的大幅下滑。
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region also experienced strong wind and a sharp fall in temperature today. 今天,内蒙古自治区首府呼和浩特也遭遇了一场大风降温天气。
A decrease in the money supply, causing a sharp fall in prices. 货币供应的减少,导致物价的急剧下降。
The euro could fall sharply in value towards say parity with the US dollar, to restore competitiveness to the periphery; but a sharp fall of the euro is unlikely given the trade strength of Germany and the hawkish policies of the European Central Bank. 要想恢复对欧元区外围国家的竞争力,欧元可能需要大幅贬值比如说,向着与美元平价滑落;但考虑到德国的贸易实力和欧洲央行(ecb)的强硬政策,欧元不太可能大幅下挫。
Concerns that Asian economies will be hit hard by global recession have been fuelled by a sharp fall in exports as demand has slackened in the US and Europe. 美国和欧洲需求减弱导致的出口大幅下降,加重了人们对全球衰退将给亚洲经济体带来重创的担忧。
Moreover, the aggressive monetary policy has failed to halt a sharp fall in nominal GDP, which shrank by 2 per cent in the year to the fourth quarter of 2009 inside the eurozone ( see charts). 此外,积极的货币政策未能阻止名义GDP的大幅下降&在截至2009年第四季度的一年内,欧元区名义GDP收缩了2%。
Low market volumes and stiff competition have led to a sharp fall in high-frequency trading as industry experts warn that the past two years of rapid growth may be coming to a halt. 较低的成交量和激烈的竞争导致高频交易大幅减少,业内专家警告称,这种交易过去两年的快速增长可能正趋于停顿。
That led to a sharp fall in foreign applications because of visa difficulties. 9/11之后,由于签证困难,外国申请者的数量曾急剧下滑。
Over inflated house, commercial and office real estate prices due to excessive leveraging and easy money, will likely faces sharp fall ahead, despite their drop in Y2008. 过度膨胀的楼市,商业和办公室房地产价格由于极度的杠杆作用和低息贷款,尽管在2008年下跌,仍可能面对大幅滑落。
Brazilian steel producers suffered a sharp fall in prices last year, which they blamed on a sharp rise in cheap imports, mainly from China. 巴西钢铁生产商去年遭遇了价格的大幅下跌&他们将其归罪于主要来自中国的廉价钢材进口激增。
While overall they enjoyed their best year since 2003 on the back of the global economic recovery, the first few months of the year were marked by a sharp fall in stock prices, as anxiety over the extent of the US financial crisis gripped investors. 尽管总体而言,亚洲股市在全球经济复苏背景下创下了自2003年以来的最高涨幅,但在头几个月,由于投资者对美国金融危机的程度深感焦虑,股价出现了大幅下挫。
Mr Macfarlane said the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98 had demonstrated that a sharp fall in demand for Australian commodities affected prices but volumes had been maintained. 麦克法兰表示,1997年至1998年的亚洲金融危机证明,对澳大利亚大宗商品需求的大幅下降影响了价格,但需求总量得以维持。
Farmers predict a sharp fall in crops and face losses of billions of euros. 农民们预言农作物会大幅减产,并面临着数十亿欧元的损失。
His administration's hard-edged policies fractured alliances in Europe and triggered a sharp fall in America's standing abroad. 小布什政府的强硬政策破坏了美国与欧洲盟友之间的关系,并导致美国的国际声望直线下跌。